Lease Application


In order to fully evaluate your proposed tenancy, we will need for you to complete the forms below and provide accurate financial information on you, any guarantors, and your business. Please note that this form should be accompanied by a Credit Authorization Form and the following financial forms, with a copy of each form to be filled out and signed by tenant and each prospective guarantor (i.e., separate forms for each individual or entity).

For individual business owners and guarantors:

  • Signed Personal Financial Statement - PFS (form below)

For Corporations and LLCs:

  • Signed Personal Financial Statement - PFS (form below)
  • YTD Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Statement

Fields marked with (*) are required, please fill carefully.

Principals (Authorized signers of the business):

Please attach articles of incorporation and a letterhead authorizing officers to execute a lease agreement.

Business Information

Additional Business Information

Business Rental History: (If no business history, put N/A and provide business plan)


Personal Financial Statement

(I, We) make the following statement of all (my, our) assets and liabilities as of the day of 20 and give other material information for the purpose of obtaining credit with you on notes and bills bearing (my, our) signature endorsement or guarantee and agree to notify you promptly of any change affecting (my, our) ability to pay.


(List here only those assets NOT jointly owned)


(List here all liabilities joint or otherwise)


(Summarize here: Itemize on Schedule 6)




No. 1 Banking Relations (a list of all bank accounts including savings, not jointly owned and all loans joint or otherwise)
Name/Location of Bank Account Number Cash Balance Amount of Loan Maturity of Loan Guaranteed of Secured

No. 2 – Accounts, Loans and Notes Receivable (A list of the largest amounts owing to me)

Name and Address of Debtor Amount Owing Age of Debt Date Payment Expected Description or Nature of Debt Description of Security Held

No. 3 – Life Insurance (Attach Schedule if necessary)

Owner of Policy Name of Beneficiary Name of Insurance Co. Face of Policy Total Cash Surrender Value Total Loans on Policy Policy Assigned

No. 4 – Stocks & Bonds (Attach Schedule if necessary)

Face Value or # of Shares Description of Security Registered in name of Original Cost Present Market Value To Whom Pledged

No. 5 Real Estate (Attach schedule if necessary)

Description or Street Number Title in Name of Mortgages or Liens Amount Payments Original Cost Present Market Value Taxes Current?

No. 6 Jointly Owned Property-Details of summary on front page. (Attach schedule if necessary)

Assets Value Name of Joint Talent

These statements are delivered to Realty 1 Partners and its assigns to induce it to extend credit from time to time and/or to continue its present extensions of credit, at its discretion, to the undersigned.

The undersigned hereby certifies that these statements are correct and complete and accurately reflect the condition and affairs of the undersigned at the date and for the period(s) stated.

And that said statements reflect all known liabilities, direct or contingent as of the date thereof.

The undersigned also represents and warrants that to his knowledge there has to date been no material adverse change in the conditions or affairs of undersigned from the date of said statements.

The undersigned does hereby request and warrant that legal title to all property herein described or referred to, expecting only jointly owned property as separately scheduled herein as such, in the sole name of the undersigned. Every person who is a party to this statement agrees that his/her separate property listed herein referred to and property or interests I property into which property listed herein or herein referred to is converted or re-converted, including his/her interest in property jointly, by entirely or in common with another party to this statement, shall be available to the bank for payment of all indebtedness or other obligations of the parties making this statement, or either voluntarily or involuntarily by levy of execution or otherwise. Realty 1 Partners and its assigns are authorized to make all inquires deemed necessary to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, and to determine the creditworthiness of the undersigned. Each of the undersigned authorizes the bank to answer questions about its credit experience with the undersigned.